Molly and Sebastian had Matthew about 8 months ago. They had me out to take a few pictures at their home soon after. Needless to say, I didn't even recognize the big man when they pulled up to the Botanical Gardens. He was fired up and ready for the shoot! We were able to take advantage of some beautiful morning light.
I had had the opportunity to photograph Scott and Gabi on several occasions. Most recently Gabi before Pavla was born. They asked me to come shoot a picture for their Christmas card this year. Throw a dog (Lucy) in the mix and its quite a chore to get everyone looking their best. I think we ended up with a nice family portrait that is bound to make Mom and Dad smile. I am hoping once Pavla is more mobile we can head out for more of lifestyle session. Regardless its always great to get together with Scott, Gabi and now baby Pavla. What a cutie!
Barbara and I have been friends for several years since she interned at my old day job. We enjoy running together where we usually end up talking to each other like therapists would, that is until we are out of breath from pushing each other to go faster! Aside from being a school teacher and lacrosse coach, she is the lead singer of The Dry Season. She has invited me several times to come see the band.... one REALLY strong cup of coffee later I finally stayed awake late enough to see them. Naturally I had to bring my camera, its like my wooby in uncomfortable situations. With camera in hand, I know what to do!
It blows me a way the talent this young woman has. Its been so great having her friendship and seeing her grow into her young professional career. It was fun to get out of the house and see The Dry Season rock out!
Karl came over to have some headshots done, just because he is deeead sexy! No need to let that pretty face go unphotographed!
Tracy stopped by after Karl to update her corporate headshots. She was all business but I was able to make her crack a smile! You're looking the future Dr. Najera. She is crazy smart, and good looking to boot!
All these headshots being taken, I figured I had better step in front of the camera and get some for my website. I asked Loren to shoot a few of me. Not bad for a "photographer in training". I did have to show Loren my patented BAW light setup. He is sworn to secrecy though!
Ken and Carrie had their wedding and reception at The Mansion on Judges Hill. This was my first time shooting there. What a cool venue - very classic and beautiful. Very fitting for this couple. I was also fortunate enough to work with Bridget from Clink again, who is a super wedding coordinator! Matt shot this wedding with me. I feel very lucky to have a network of talented photographers to work with.
There were some Louisiana traditions in this wedding that I had never seen before. So cool to see the "ring pull" and the "second line dance". Everyone was shakin' it all night, what a blast!