Ava was suppose to be born on November 10th, but due to some complications was born on July 25th, 16 weeks early. At a mere 1 pound 4 ounces she began her 101 days at St. David's NICU.

Happy Holloween Ava Marie, After her fifth day at home, she finally got to wear her first holloween costume.

10/15 at just over 5 pounds, we were able to particpate in bottle feedings. Nasal canula removed Ava was finally breathing room air.
Just before the nasal canula was removed. Seems Ava is not quite use to me taking her picture. I am sure it won't take long until she is hamming it up for ole Dad!
9/13 Ava finally was put on the nasal canula, it was so nice to be able to see her sweet face.
We were able to do "Kanagroo Care" getting to hold our daughter against our bare skin. This therapy has proven to really provide a bond and help them keep growing.

8/19 The first time Mom was able to hold Ava. Weighing less than two pounds. Ava graduated to the CPAP (Coninuous Positive Airway Pressure) breathing apperatus.
Ava donning her preemie donna cap made exlusively for her by Vickie Howell. I shot Vickie and Daves wedding celebration. See there party in my blog (July Section).
The first two weeks were a very scary time. Lots of time spent at the NICU just praying and hoping our little girl was a fighter.
Four days after her birth, weighing 1 pound 4 ounces. Ava was intubated to aid in her breathing. Such a frail child, but such a fighter from day one!